Learn From The Masters

Being open to lifelong learning is one of the many keys to success. It is one thing to read books on success, positive thinking, changing habits, or self help;  however, it is another to experience being in a room with powerful people who can evoke emotional highs that elevate spirits, change perceptions and call for life changing actions to be taken immediately.  I had the privilege along with so many others to spend approximately 6 hours in the presence of three men who just wanted to be of service to the crowd and give from their wealth of knowledge. The energy in the room was felt by all and we were lifted, enlightened, freed up, and who we were as human beings changed forever. These amazing life changing speakers were James MacNeil, Byron Nelson and Les Brown.

James McNeil told us to stop insulting the creator who made us whole, perfect and complete just the way he wanted us to be. Therefore, there is no need to make artificial changes because we were perfectly designed.  He also let us know that our souls are connected to the spirit world. When it comes to our goals and dreams to have a philosophy, a map of life that serves us.  After listening to Mr. MacNeil I started to look at my goals & dreams and started to ask myself the following questions: Who am I? Why am I here? and What do I want? in order to be successful with carrying out my visions.  At the end of the day my life’s purpose is to be of service to mankind.

Byron Nelson continued the theme of being of service by sharing with us the importance of having collaborative relationships which tend to the needs of others.  He also told us to always have an “Attitude of Gratitude.” He set the stage for success which starts with his 4C’s: Coachable, Consistency, Commitment and Communication. Once the 4C’s are in place we can then set the foundation with INC:  Integrity, Non-Negotiable Attitude and Character which defines who we are in the world. He concluded with the 7P’s to build on the foundation:

  • Posture – do you dress the way you want to be addressed
  • Path- have a clear way to what you want
  • Presentation- learn how to have enrolment and registration conversations
  • Perseverance- never give up
  • Passion- is everything
  • Power- to empower others
  • Proverbs- are laws and should be read


What I really took away from Mr. Nelson was that when I find myself about to give up and give in to my circumstances I should read Proverbs 31 and get grounded in what my life is really for.

And last but certainly not least was Mr. Les Brown, who shook me to the core! Les Brown mastered the art of never giving up and never giving in to his circumstances, he just gave into the will of God for his life.  He developed a direct connection with God that allowed him to be of service. Like the speakers before him, he encouraged us be to thankful and to be in the spirit of expecting God to do what he said he would do. He spoke about the importance of setting big goals and to live your dreams. From that conversation I created the following goal: millions of people around world are having a TeamSynerG experience of excellence, love, gratitude, peace, hope, faith and grace. He said for us to surround ourselves with OQP (only quality people) who are a group of people who will have your back no matter what, and when the storms of life hit your shores face them with Faith. The one quote that will remain with me for the rest of my life is “forgiveness is remembering without anger.” Something inside of my soul shifted when I heard this and in that moment I was able to remember my past hurts without anger.


If you have that person or mentor that you look up to definitely keep reading their books and watching their videos, and take it from me find the opportunities to see them live in person because there is nothing like it! The energy in the space in priceless, to see their facial expressions and have that spiritual connection is amazing!  That feeling stays with you. And when you share your experience with others you get to relive that magical moment over and over again!

With Love and Grace,

Fatima Gould